Cumberbatch Sugar Plantations in Barbados

Cumberbatch Sugar Plantations in Barbados in 1825 show the locations across Barbados where enslaved people were living prior to their emancipation in 1834.

Cumberbatch Sugar Plantations in Barbados in 1825 show the locations across Barbados where enslaved people were living prior to their emancipation in 1834.

These enslaved people will need a surname in order to have church ceremonies such as baptisms, marriages andburials. These distribution maps help to show where former slaves took the surname Cumberbatch.

Cumberbatch Sugar Planations on Barbados in 1825

Map showing locations of Cumberbatch owned sugar plantations on Barbados in 1825. Cumberbatch owned sugar plantations include:

  • St Nicholas Abbey, St Peter
  • Ebworth, St Peter
  • The Farm, St Peter
  • Cleland, St Andrew
  • Breedy’s, St Andrew