About the Cumberbatch Surname Study

The Cumberbatch surname study

The Cumberbatch study has been registered with the Guild of One-Name Studies: Membership Number: 4039.

A one-name study, or surname study, aims to research every recorded occurrence of the surname Cumberbatch and its many variant spellings. This is rather than researching information related to only one family's ancestors or the descendants from one individual or family.

The process entails the systematic collection of the worldwide occurrences of the surname, and its variant spellings, in readily available records such as:

  • Birth and baptism records
  • Marriage records
  • Death and burial records
  • Wills and administration records
  • Census records
  • Other records of relevance such as county histories, burgess records, book, occupational sources, biographies, newspapers and journal articles.

Once collected, I aim to compile connected family trees. However, as George William Marshall stated:

The obscurity however of their [the Congleton and Nantwich Comberbach's] position in social life renders it difficult, if not impossible, to form a connected pedigree…

But as in the true spirit of the Cumberbatch's of Barbados motto: 'Ne Tentes Aut Perfice' or 'Succeed, or do not try!' So it will be…

In 1866, and at the age of 27, George William Marshall published "Collections for a Genealogical Account of the Family of Comberbach". This was the first study performed on this surname. As far as I can ascertain there has not been another systematic one-name study since. This book is of immense value in identifying the early context and occurences of the surname and its origins. Marshall's mother had the maiden name Comberbach.

Rather than merely updating Marshall's original work by adding descendants to his pedigrees, I have uncovered a substantial amount of information regarding the Cumberbatchs of Barbados and their connection to Bristol, England and other branches and variant spellings. There is very little information in this original work regarding the Barbados Cumberbatchs. I am in the process of transcribing and databasing this information for ease of searching and analysis. In due course this site will be revised to include some of this information.

However, I am yet to make any connection between Bristol, Gloucestershire and Cheshire or its surrounding counties of Lancashire, Staffordshire and Flintshire where there are numerous families in the 16th century.